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Project Ethiopia empowers villagers to implement and sustain improvements in health, education and local economic activity.

We work side-by-side with the community, empowering villagers to make long-term, positive change in their lives. Our efforts address clean water, sanitation, healthy homes, education, and economic opportunities.

We partner at the grassroots level in small, but powerful ways utilizing improvements that are culturally appropriate and can be maintained by the communities with whom we partner.

Our projects impact individuals, families, and entire communities – spreading hope and knowledge throughout the Dangla region. The resulting changes, identified and led by the community, will be felt for generations to come.

Local Leadership – The Key Ingredient

Our Project Leaders and brothers, Awoke and Workineh Genetu, and their team in Ethiopia know best what is needed for their community. And they know the strategies that will best address those needs. It is through these relationships that Project Ethiopia is able to effectively put your support into action.


Our work to help create opportunities for families and communities in rural Ethiopia is only possible because of YOU. Learn about the different ways you can partner with Project Ethiopia, connect with others, and make a difference. Join us today!



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